我們邀請到17位業界知名樂手,來到Ear Up Masterclass分享他們在各自領域的獨門秘技,以及自己一路成長而來的經驗和心得。Ear Up Masterclass系列影片共有75條精華影片,分為5種表演類型(結他、低音結他、鍵盤、鼓、演唱)。
Ear Up Gig Online邀請MastaMic帶來Vocal Masterclass!!
Rhyme Scheme
第一節MastaMic教你甚麼是押韻、Rhyme Scheme
第三節與DJ Mirror分享,介紹Turntablism,與MC的玩法
第四節介紹Hip Hop的不同門派,由Old School到現代
MastaMic馬米是一名堅持夢想的饒舌獨立音樂人,名副其實的one-man-band。他經常把感謝掛在嘴邊,因為他懂得他沒有龐大的財團或資金的支持,卻有着一班拔刀相助的兄弟朋友。雖然憑着這樣看似單薄的後台,從2005年那年出道至今13年,馬米對Hip Hop的熱情沒有絲毫改變過,製作了許多在聽覺,甚至視覺上創新的音樂作品。這些年他都以歌曲表達自己對音樂的那團火,讓Hip Hop不再只是地下文化。擅長Freestyle的他,擁有開口能唱的說唱能力,且擁有備受爭議的個人特色——快rap,把粵語說唱速度發揮到極限。這一種在樂壇上從未有過的風格,讓他成為其中一位 #香港本土HipHop音樂 的標誌性人物。他的作品中每年製作關於香港年度總結的《RAP UP》最為人津津樂道。這個系列堅持了足足十年,直到2017年為最後一年。十年,人生有多少個十年?他花了大量的精力去完成一個十年計劃,只是為了自己熱愛的音樂。
在MastaMic的歌曲內容主題裏面,都鮮明地有着他獨特的個性和態度。他關心社會,從文化中尋找靈感,因此作品中充滿本土色彩,並得到聽眾的共鳴,這無疑是香港少有的音樂主題。馬米曾經是港台節目《頭條新聞》常客,秉持Hip Hop以針對社會問題的音樂特色,製作了多首諷刺時弊的饒舌歌曲。後來在2011年推出首張個人mixtape《The New Hope Mixtape》;2012年自資推出第二張個人mixtape《Justice Is What I Rap For》;2013年自資推出首張個人專輯《流行反擊戰》。 到了2018年,MastaMic推出了專輯《MASTAPIECE》,同年舉辦了他的個人演唱會,並獲得許多的好評以及支持。其專輯歌曲也打入各大本地流行歌曲榜,證明了這些年的努力沒有白費,而且使他在往後的音樂創作路上打了一支有力的強心針。他選擇了Hip Hop,然而從沒想過離開,這選擇也不曾讓他後悔,還依然的堅持着這個一個人的音樂夢,繼續燃燒那團火。這就是MastaMic。
Since MastaMic began his career on Hip Hop in 2005, he has become the focus of attention in the Hip Hop community of the city. As a new generation iconic character in the Hip Hop community, he demonstrated excellence in mixing social lyrics and unique street fusion for a refreshing feeling! MastaMic created the precedence of Cantonese freestyle when he was young, the first one in the history of Cantonese freestyle. No matter what kind of themes, he could improvise a rap, so he earned reputation of "Hong Kong Freestyle King".
MastaMic also partnered with many different local and oversea Hip Hop Artists and Groups. For example: FAMA, 24herbs, Mc Jin, DJ Tommy, D J Galaxy, INK, Lo, - J, Critical (Sweden), C.O.U (Beijing), Dumdue (Guangzhou),Chee Production. At the same time he was also invited by different types of singers to compose songs, such as Eason Chan, Sammi Cheng, Joey Yung, C AllStar, William Chan, Charmaine Fong, Wilfred Lau, Louis Cheung, Kelvin Kwan, Winkie, Wallis Cho, Corinna Chamberlain, JJ Lin.
In addition, he also cooperated with many independent music units like Tieshulan, ToNick, Hardpack, the pancakes, Retox’D, AMA. Many cooperation tracks were also hit on billboards, “佔領” with Kelvin Kwan was topping the 903 Top 20 and “天生一半” with Sammi Cheng came 2nd on 903 Top 20.
Besides, MastaMic also produced music and lyrics for different music units, such as writing lyrics for ”Insta - gram Queen” of band Ni.ne.mo., ”上面話OK” of Yellow!, song editor for ”B.O.Y.”of Winkie, executive producer for “Holiday Mixtape” of Big Sammy. The lyrics for ”上面話OK” of Yellow! was topping 903 Top 20.
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