
Ear Up Global

Ear Up Global 搶耳音樂全球演出及交流計劃


Ear Up Global is a project designed to nurture budding music talents from Hong Kong. Initiated by Ear Up Music, this programme offers musicians the opportunity to showcase their original new music on a global stage, all the while building valuable international connections.

Selected participants will be paired with experienced musicians in a mentorship dynamic. These acts will take part in diverse cultural exchange activities with music professionals and institutions in the host city. This includes performing at international music festivals together. Once back in Hong Kong, each act will share their experiences and festival performances with fellow musicians and the public in a dedicated music festival.

Break Out, Go Global!


等咗三年,想必各路音樂人早已磨拳擦掌,想踏出關口,飛往海外,擴闊音樂世界~ 機會嚟喇飛雲,今年搶耳全球 Ear Up Global終於再度起行!

經遴選後,入圍本地音樂單位將參與一系列巡演工作坊及經驗分享會。然後搶耳音樂將與海外音樂節伙伴按實際情況,邀請合適的入圍音樂單位參演。往屆Ear Up Global曾合作音樂節包括韓國Zandari Festa、美國三藩市Noise Pop Festival等。

Ear Up Music has recruited Hong Kong music groups to join the expedition! The Ear Up Global 2023 programme will include workshops, and match new musicians with appropriate oversea music festival partners. Shortlisted music groups are eligible to be invited by oversea music festivals.

2019計劃片段 Programme Video

2019計劃總結 Programme Summary

音樂節夥伴:FOCUS Wales、Noise Pop、草莓音樂節、The Great Escape、Threatron Musiksommer、Zandari Festa


Music Festival Partners: FOCUS Wales, Noise Pop, Strawberry Music Festival, The Great Escape, Threatron Musiksommer, Zandari Festa, The Great Escape, FOCUS Wales
Supporting Organizations: People Mountain People Sea, Eastern Standard Sounds, MOOV, City of Munich, U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau, Initium Media

2017/18計劃片段 Programme Video

2017/18計劃總結 Summary

主辦機構 Organiser
文藝復興基金會 Renaissance Foundation
贊助機構 Main Sponsor
香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」 Create Hong Kong of the HKSAR Government


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