
我們邀請到17位業界知名樂手,來到Ear Up Masterclass分享他們在各自領域的獨門秘技,以及自己一路成長而來的經驗和心得。Ear Up Masterclass系列影片共有75條精華影片,分為5種表演類型(結他、低音結他、鍵盤、鼓、演唱)。

Ear Up Gig Online邀請Teriver帶來結他Masterclass!!

🎸Shell Voicings的介紹與應用

第一節Teriver講解Shell Voicings
第二節講解即興的想法、Passing Note、5-1 Lines
第三節講解Modal Jazz


張駿豪Teriver Cheung獲爵⼠樂雜誌《JazzTimes》形容他為「對樂器技巧的優秀控制令⼈留下深刻印象,並有着成熟、作曲家般意念」。畢業於北德薩斯州⼤學爵⼠樂演奏系,其後多年在紐約發展⾳樂事業,是香港少數立⾜於國際的爵士結他手及作曲家。

他曾與無數傳奇⼤師⾳樂家合作,包括格林美獎得主Eddie Gomez,Eric Marienthal, Keita Ogawa等等,亦帶領樂隊於各地的大型⾳樂節演出,包括香港爵士樂馬拉松、波蘭Jazz W Ruinach⾳樂節及臺中爵⼠音樂節等。他在2015年回流香港,策展多媒體⾳樂會《⽲.日.水.巷》,和古典作曲家林丰共同創作,作為世界文化藝術節2015 - 瑰藝⼗載委約作品,並在2017年作世界巡演,包括倫敦「香港⾳樂系列」、「香港週2017@ 台北」。

According to JazzTimes, “Teriver Cheung demonstrates an impressive command of his instrument and reveals a mature, composerly approach”. Born in Hong Kong, the jazz guitarist and composer has frequently collaborated with musicians including Latin Grammy Award winner Eddie Gómez, Billy Drummond, Jean-Michel Pilc, George Garzone and Antonio Hart. As the leader of his ensemble, he tours with his group and appears at major music festivals such as Jazz Marathon for the International Jazz Day, Jazz W Ruinach Festival (Poland) and Taichung Jazz Festival. In 2015, Cheung curated the multimedia concert Hong Kong Episodes and co-wrote an original work in collaboration with the classical music composer Fung Lam. As a project commissioned by the World Cultures Festival 2015, Hong Kong Episodes received critical acclaim. In 2017, the Hong Kong Episodes was invited to do a world tour and was presented at “The Hong Kong Music Series” in London and “Hong Kong Week 2017 @ Taipei”.

【Teriver教結他 餘下節目】