我們邀請到17位業界知名樂手,來到Ear Up Masterclass分享他們在各自領域的獨門秘技,以及自己一路成長而來的經驗和心得。Ear Up Masterclass系列影片共有75條精華影片,分為5種表演類型(結他、低音結他、鍵盤、鼓、演唱)。
Ear Up Gig Online邀請Steffunn勳帶來打鼓Masterclass!!
黃偉勳(Stephane S. Wong),又名Steffunn/阿勳,鼓手,畢業於演藝學院。自8歲開始學習鼓擊至今,並於中學時代開始學習結他、貝斯結他及組織樂隊。曾參與之樂隊有:大頭佛、King Ly Chee、Whence he came、Ellen and the Ripples Band、Mike Orange and the Universe Travellers、Helter Skelter、野仔、Sensi Lion、Tuesday morning surfing club等10多隊樂隊。
於1998年蒲窩青少年樂隊比賽及2000年黃金蒙馬特音樂節中同奪得「最佳鼓手」的獎項。從2003年開始活躍於主流音樂界,擔任音樂會鼓手一職、巡演及錄音製作等工作,曾參與和合作之歌手音樂人有陳奕迅、容祖兒、何韻詩、盧凱彤、藍奕邦、周國賢、麥浚龍、黃家強、草蜢、黃耀明、吳雨霏、陳蕾、方皓玟、劉德華、林憶蓮、達明一派、鄭秀文、李克勤、楊千嬅、林一峰、香港小交響樂團、At 17、謝霆鋒、PixelToy、拜金小姐、人山人海、舒文、盧冠廷、青山大樂隊、鄭伊健、范曉萱、Eric Kwok、謝安琪、C All Star、Robynn and Kendy、鄭欣宜、等等歌手和監製。
Stephane S. Wong (aka Steffunn), a professional drummer. Graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Steffunn has appeared in more than 10 different bands, such as Tai Tao Fat, King Lychee, Whence he came, Ellen and the Ripples Band, Mike Orange and the Universe Travellers, Helter Skelter, WildChild, Tuesday morning surfing club, Sensi Lion and more.
Since 2003 Steffunn has been actively working as a professional drummer in the Hong Kong music scene. Including Steve Wong Ka Keung (Beyond), Carl Wong (double C music group), Joey Yung, At 17 and Anthony Wong (People Mountain People Sea), Ellen Loo, Eason Chan, Denise Ho, Eric Kwok, Pong Nam, Chet Lam, Panther Chan, Charmaine Fong, Hacken Lee, Miriam Yeung, Sandy Lam, Sammi Cheng, Robynn and Kendy, Soft Hard, Joyce Cheng, and many different local artists and producers.
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