
我們邀請到17位業界知名樂手,來到Ear Up Masterclass分享他們在各自領域的獨門秘技,以及自己一路成長而來的經驗和心得。Ear Up Masterclass系列影片共有75條精華影片,分為5種表演類型(結他、低音結他、鍵盤、鼓、演唱)。

Ear Up Gig Online邀請伍敬彬帶來Keyboard Masterclass!!




伍敬彬Ng King-pan,專業範疇覆蓋流行與古典樂界,擔任作曲、編曲監製、演奏、指揮、及樂隊領班等工作。伍氏為音樂哲學博士,深入研究中樂的傳統與現代美學,近年積極為香港及台灣業界創作中樂作品。

自幼習鋼琴、二胡及小提琴,先後就讀於香港浸會大學、澳洲墨爾本大學、瑞典比迪澳音樂學院及香港大學,師承于京君、Brenton Broadstock及陳慶恩。在學期間作品多次榮獲國際獎項,包括2002年憑交響樂《Merah Putih紅白》贏得3MBS澳洲國家作曲家獎。2005年開始為香港演唱會及專輯擔任演奏及編曲,曾參演國內外數百場演唱會;2006年起先後成為黃貫中、鄭秀文、陳粒等歌手的御用鋼琴及鍵盤手。十多年間,伍氏經常為北極熊製作室、人山人海、趙增熹製作的專輯及音樂會擔任編曲與鍵盤,及經常為交響樂X流行樂音樂會改編作品。

曾受邀為其專輯或音樂會編曲的歌手包括:張信哲、羅大佑、符致逸、辛曉琪、李克勤、陳奕迅、黃家強、劉德華、何超儀、李玟、蔡琴、張靚穎、Dear Jane、蔡徐坤等。

近年主要演出及作品:2020年為香港中樂團打造節慶系列短片,已出版的有電流吹打樂《龍船》;2019年到台北為羅大佑新曲編曲及擔任錄音指揮;2018 年4月為張信哲與莫斯科管弦樂團於北京音樂廳的「歌時代II」擔任整場音樂會編曲與指揮等。

Ng king-pan is active in the classical and pop music industry, playing the multiple roles as composer, arranger, performer, conductor, music director and band leader. In recent years, he plays an active role in composing for Chinese orchestras and philharmonic orchestras in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Ng is a Doctor of Philosophy – Music Composition, and his field of research is Chinese music composition.

Ng started his music training in piano, erhu and violin at a young age. He studied at the Hong Kong Baptist University, the University of Melbourne in Australia, the Musikhogskolan i Piteå in Sweden, and the University of Hong Kong. His mentors included Yu Jingjun, Brenton Broadstock and Chan hing-yan. His composition had won him multiple international awards while he was still studying. His symphonic piece, Merah Putih (‘Red and White’), which was based on a highland folk song in Indonesia with the same title, won the 3MBS Reading Australian National Composer Award in 2002. He has been playing and arranging music for major pop concerts and record pop albums since 2005, with pop concert appearances totaling a few hundred.

Some of his notable activities and works in recent years were as follows: in 2019, he went to Taipei as arranger and studio recording conductor for Lo Da-Yu’s new works. In 2018, he was the sole arranger and conductor for Jeff Chang’s live concert at the Beijing Concert Hall with the Moscow Symphony Orchestra.

【伍敬彬教你用中樂 餘下節目】