
我們邀請到17位業界知名樂手,來到Ear Up Masterclass分享他們在各自領域的獨門秘技,以及自己一路成長而來的經驗和心得。Ear Up Masterclass系列影片共有75條精華影片,分為5種表演類型(結他、低音結他、鍵盤、鼓、演唱)。

Ear Up Gig Online邀請雷柏熹Patrick帶來Keyboard Masterclass!!

🎹7th和9th Chord

第一節Patrick講解Diatonic基本Triads,7th和9th Chord以及Jazz在Chord上面如何加一些色彩
第二節講解Dominant 7th Chord
第三節講解雙手Chord Voicing、Voice Leading
第五節講解Jazz Solo Improvise



雷柏熹曾為電影創作配樂,包括《懸紅》、《喜歡你》,以及《追龍》等;除電影外,他亦有為香港電台的電視節目和香港舞蹈團的製作提供原創音樂。流行音樂方面,雷柏熹常與本地樂隊RubberBand合作,其作品受廣泛好評。他們合作監製的大碟《Easy》,獲商業電台頒發叱咤樂壇「至尊唱片大獎」。其他共同製作的歌曲如《Dedicated to...》及《Easy》則兩度奪得CASH金帆音樂獎「最佳樂隊演繹」獎項。二〇一七年,雷柏熹擔任陳奕迅「Eason Says C’mon In」世界巡迴演出之琴手,到歐洲、北美洲、亞洲等各地演出。

雷柏熹於二〇一八年六月到紐約著名錄音室Systems Two Recording Studio灌錄了自己的爵士大樂團專輯《Sonder》。團員全為紐約本地爵士樂手,並邀得小號大師Alex Sipiagin為兩首曲目作客席演奏。專輯的錄音、混音及母帶後期製作均由兩屆格林美獎得主Mike Marciano包辦。

Patrick Lui is an award-winning pianist, keyboardist, composer, arranger, and producer. He has performed around the world including cities of New York, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, London, and Bucharest; and has appeared in different music festivals such as EUROPAfest, Taichung Jazz Festival, Clockenflap, and Hong Kong International Jazz Festival. Patrick was a semi-finalist at the Bucharest International Jazz Competition.

Patrick also contributed to the score for three feature films: The Bounty, This Is Not What I Expected, and Chasing The Dragon. He has also composed music for television programs and theatrical works for Radio & Television Hong Kong and Hong Kong Dance Company.

A frequent collaborator with local band RubberBand, their works together have received wide acclaim. The album Easy, which they co-produced, was awarded the prestigious ‘Album Of The Year’ by Commercial Radio Hong Kong. They have also won ‘Best Performance by a Band’ two times at the CASH Golden Sail Music Awards with the songs “Dedicated to...” and “Easy”. In 2017, Patrick took the position as keyboardist for Hong Kong’s foremost artist Eason Chan’s worldwide tour “Eason Says C’mon In”.

Patrick travelled to New York City in June 2018 and recorded his own jazz big band album Sonder at the renowned Systems Two Recording Studio. The band consists of all New York- based jazz musicians, featuring Alex Sipiagin on two songs. The album was recorded, mixed and mastered by two-time Grammy award winner Mike Marciano.

【Patrick教彈Jazz 餘下節目】