Lydia Pau
Lydia Pau – A powerful set of cords full of soul and textures.
Lydia is a local singer-songwriter, who graduated in the UK with a sound technology and digital music degree. She started performing since she was 18. As she does what she loves, she gains more and more singing and performing experience, as well as experience in writing songs for TVC, musicals, significant events, movies and TV drama (‘Lost in Shell’ from Viutv). She is currently an active live music performer in Hong Kong, with good ability of interpreting R&B, soul music, Jazz and Oldies. She is also a regular performer in Junon HK (Hin Cheung’s restaurant) and Lost Stars Livehouse.
She believes that music can touch human’s soul and inner self like magic, so she has always wanted to use music to spread love, and touch and connect with people around the world.
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怎樣去形容Lydia Pau包仲欣這個音樂單位呢?「詩人女唱作歌手」也許是比較貼切的說法。她的歌曲,是如斯多愁善感而又賦予詩情畫意的大自然之美,這是大家對熱衷旅行、曾在英國鄉郊讀書的她一曲〈Autumn〉之印象——acoustic-folk的底蘊、當代R&B的薰陶、電影配樂感的曲風,她以景抒情從而抒發當時鄉愁、寂寞和無奈的感覺,締造出這首泛著淡淡哀愁、觸動心靈的秋意ballad歌曲,散發出陣陣大自然靈秀氣,美不勝收。
Lydia Pau @Ear Up Showcase 2020
Lydia Pau @Ear Up School Tour 2020
Coming Soon
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