Jason Kui第二張結他音樂大碟於2月14日由美國Prosthetic Records全球發行。專輯標題《NAKA》為日語單詞「なか」,意思為「中間」、「中庸之道」。Jason藉他的創作,表達兩極之間應取得平衡、中庸之道,將這個詞的含義放在歌曲當中。他更到中國北京為專輯錄製弦樂,也邀請很多結他大師如Andy Timmons、Andy James和Tom Quayle客串獨奏。


《Pixel Invasion》向八九十年代席捲全球的電子遊戲致敬。歌曲以遊戲氛圍為中心,帶出令人振奮的即興演奏和十分吸引的旋律。在Jason的好友Anup Sastry鼓樂加持下,聽眾有如置身遊戲世界內。世界級結他大師Andy James也在此曲參與了撼動人心的獨奏部份。

Guitar maestro, Jason Kui, returns with ​Naka​ – his second studio album comprising of a diverse and exciting collection of songs that show off his eclectic prowess. His travels as a sought-after session musician have inspired his writing process for ​Naka​ and his broader musical journey.


  1. Splash!
  2. Pixel Invasion feat. Andy James
  3. Interlude - Roseneath
  4. Naka feat. Andy Timmons
  5. Mean Bird feat. Tom Quayle
  6. The Creator / The Destroyer feat. Poh Hock
  7. Dance of Awakening The Spirit Part II, The Ballad of The Headless Horseman 09:43
  8. Games Brown (Hey!)
  9. Intro to Then and Now
  10. Then and Now

Link: http://smarturl.it/jasonkui