Cozy Syndrome
Pop Rock, J-Rock / 2020
Member list:
Vocal - Asana
Guitar - Forky & Gillian
Bass Guitar - Sarah
Drums - Noel
以多變的旋律節奏牽動大眾情緒,深受日本文化影響,嘗試脫離廣東話的語言框架,試圖令大眾一同踏進我們的舒適圈,繼而沉溺,從歌曲中體會生活。樂隊名稱中的「Cozy」和「 Syndrome」本為判若雲泥的兩極,但同時卻是樂隊創作意念的軸心,以亦柔亦鬱的音樂,描敍出在這城市裏的矛盾、失落、以及隨之而來的成長。
Through dynamic rhythms and melody, and with influence on Japanese culture, the band tries to go beyond the Cantonese context to evoke emotion with the connection to their music, life experience, as well as comfort zone. With opposite natures, the terms 'Cozy' and 'Syndrome' act as the band's inspiration to deliver soft yet powerful music, depicting their own ways to come across depression and uncertainty in the city.
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Cozy Syndrome @Ear Up Showcase 2021
Cozy Syndrome @Ear Up School Showcase 2021 / HKSYU
Band a Loid Performance 2020
Y-Concept Stage 102 @June 2021
Transcendence Music Live 2021 @Music Zone
「之所以我們在水底里歇斯」CD RELEASE PARTY @ The Pulse
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