Bedroom-pop , hip-hop, Indie Pop / 2020
5gjm999成⽴於2020年夏天⼀個無聊的下午,突然很想吃在⼤埔中⼼樓梯轉⻆的⽣菜⿂⾁,於是發布了第⼀⾸單曲<⽣菜⿂⾁>。5gjm999是主唱Venus的IG帳戶,她想不到更好的名字,便⼀直使⽤。由於懶得出⾨,Venus⽤logic pro x 與⾃⼰夾band,疏於練琴的她運用僅餘的對鋼琴的記憶拼砌和弦,使⽤電⼦琴和預設的drummer製作了不少歌曲,⼤部份的曲詞編混都是她⼀⼿包辦。歌曲圍繞著GenZ⼥⽣的三觀,訴說成⻑時遇到的衝擊。⾵格不定,遊⾛在hip-hop與Dream Pop 之間。⼈如其名,總是不知道在做甚麼。
[ 介乎Hip-Hop與Dream Pop之間-5gjm999 ]
5gjm999 was formed in the summer of 2020 in a bored afternoon when a sudden craving for "lettuce and fish" from a snack shop in the corner of the staircase in Tai Po Centre. Then, her first single was launched. The name "5gjm999" is the instagram account of the vocalist Venus, and she couldn't think of a better name, so she keeps using it.
As she was too lazy to leave home, Venus used a logic pro X to play band with herself, and she produced a number of songs using an electric piano and a default drummer, and did most of the songwriting and mixing. The songs revolve around the perspectives of Gen Z girls and the shocks encountered when growing up.
Her style is unpredictable, ranging between hip hop and dream pop. As her name suggests in Cantonese, she never knows what she's doing.
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