Hyperpop, Electro-pop
Ashi 是一名香港土生土長的獨立唱作人,從小熱愛唱歌及音樂,自學結他鋼琴,高中開始自創歌曲。2012組成樂隊小紅帽,以主音身份出道,贏得不同大小比賽,在香港、台灣以及中國不同地方演出。2021年參加《全民造星4》取得30強。
Ashi is an independent singer-songwriter who was born and raised in Hong Kong. She has had a passion for singing and music since she was young and taught herself to play guitar and piano. In high school, she began creating her own songs and in 2012, she joined a band called "silhungmo" where she debuted as the lead singer. She has won various competitions and performed in different parts of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China. In 2021, Ashi participated in the reality singing competition "King Maker IV" and made it to the top 30 contestants.
Ashi has a natural love for freedom and an unrestricted personality which has allowed her to explore various music genres without limitations. Despite her diverse music styles, Ashi's soft voice has remained consistent, making it a unique and recognizable sound.
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