Bedroom Party
Member list:
Lam Cheung Ha & Wang Li Long
Bedroom Party是香港的二人獨立音樂組合,於2020年由lilong和Tomi Ramu組成。音樂風格廣闊,涵蓋電子音樂、另類音樂、合成器流行及夢幻流行。
Bedroom Party於2020年初開展錄音工作,同年十一月發行出道作”Club”,其後十二月發行第二首單曲”Drift Away”,並於2021年積極參與現場演出,以及在七月二十二日推出岀道EP “Cubes”。二人於大學時期相識,在求學之餘各自隔空進修音樂,也形成了後續的創作模式。Bedroom Party成員主要於家中睡房依靠電腦的數位音樂工作站軟體進行創作,製作出富節奏感及夢幻氛圍的音樂。創作過程仿如在睡房舉行派對一樣,期望能以樂隊或DJ等模式將相同的感受呈現給觀眾。
Bedroom Party is an electronic music duo formed by Lilong and Tami Ramu in 2020. Aiming at downtempo, dreamy party music and hopes to bringing it live in forms of live band and DJ, their music style varies from electronic to alternative, and synth pop to dream pop.
The two members met in university and formed their working style by producing separately in their own bedrooms. In 2020, Bedroom Party released their first two singles ‘Club’ and ‘Drift Away’. After focusing on live performance in early 2021, the group released their debut EP “Cubes” in July.
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「睡房電音」形式的二人組合,卻要讓創作過程儼如在睡房舉行派對 一樣。Bedroom Party流水行雲地貫穿於chillwave、dream-pop、synth-pop、indietronica風格的歌曲,每每來得「synth聲奪人」而有着溫婉浪漫的曲子。
‘Night Time’ in ”EUM001 - ups and downs”
「Every step that you take/Punish me eternally/Til memory fades」
深宵難免會emo,夜媽媽一個人坐在街頭不知道是食煙還是飲酒,都很容易會被 #無言的親親親侵襲我心,不能自拔。如果回憶有罪,或者Bedroom Party的這首〈Night TIme〉都可以令你差不多有快樂,before everything fades。
Bedroom Party @Ear Up Showcase 2021
Bedroom Party @Ear Up School Showcase 2021 / HKSYU
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