Boyz Reborn
Member list
Vocal - Ben Chan, Kelvin Shek, Tommy So, Jason Kwok
Acoustic Guitar - Ian Tang
Electronic Guitar - Ivan Wong
Bass Guitar - Kenny Cheng
Keyboard - Ken Tsang
Drums - Sam Lee
香港本地獨立樂團,成員為9位19歲的男生,希望以音樂為香港年輕人發聲和影響社會文化。自2011年起,他們發佈超過80首原創歌曲到網上,其YouTube頻道的點擊近四百萬,並曾經於AC Hall、Music Zone、TTN和蒲吧等標誌性場館舉辦音樂會,吸引數以百計的聽眾入場支持。歌曲題材主要以本地青年角度為中心,歌詞道盡時下青少年的夢想、成長經歷和掙扎。樂團早期作品風格以粵語流行曲為主,近年混入EDM、Hip-hop和另類搖滾等元素,以製作更具多元的原創作品。
Boyz Reborn is a Hong Kong local teenage boy band that consists of 9 members aged 19. The mission of the group is to produce original music to empower the youth of Hong Kong and to influence the city. Since 2011, they have released over 80 demos and songs online and reached almost 4 million views on their YouTube channel. They are active performers in different occasions, and they succeed to attract a thousand of audiences attending their annual concert every year.
Boyz Reborn is best known for writing lyrics and singing from local youth’s perspective. The theme of their music covers youth-related subjects, such as dreams, personal growth and struggles.
Musically, the band is inspired by different types of music genre. The music produced during their childhood is mostly arranged in cantopop style. In recent years, they integrated the elements of different genre, such as EDM, hip-hop and alternative rock in their song writing and arrangement in order to achieve better quality of production. They are pursuing professional career by exploring their original sound, creating wider range of song collections and arena-ready performance set.
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