Charming Way
Retro, Synth / 2011
Member list:
Vocal/ Keyboard - Aaryn Cheung
Guitar/ Synths - KaLun Wong
Bass Guitar - Ajax Li
Drums - Terry Chan
Charming Way 的音樂被形容為有復古味的 通過90年代的英國樂隊盛行的音色及歌曲風格,與廣東曲式旋律融為一體,既懷舊又新穎的音樂風格。過往以英文為主,但歌曲靈感總離不開「香港」這個地方,擅長以日常觀察作為題材,亦將「這裡」的故事和想法唱 給身處「這裡」以外的人聽,能夠無懼地理限制和文化差異。樂隊曾參與《Clockenflap》、《搶耳音樂節》演出。
Charming Way is a Hong Kong indie band that blends classic rock and roll with a vintage flair. By combining the sounds of popular British bands from the 90s with Cantonese melodies, the band has crafted a nostalgic yet refreshing style.
Although Cantonese is their native language, they primarily write and perform their songs in English so that their message and story can be understood by a wider, more international audience. The band hopes their voices and stories will resonate with listeners around the world, not just in their home city.
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上世紀八、九十年代,我們都是英國音樂殖民地成長的一群,一行四人的Charming Way亦不例外,以玩復古Alternative Rock為基礎,將九十年代英式曲風與Canto-pop式旋律互動結盟,聽歌何止學英文,憑歌寄意向全世界歌頌港人港事,樂在其中,Charm到不能,2020年新曲《Victoria》假設香城為一位名叫維多利亞女生,忽冷忽熱,個性盡顯,不知道,如果Charming Way唱遊Causeway Bay又如何?
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Ear Hub Showcase @ Hong Kong Fringe Club Kowloon City Art Festival @ West Kowloon Art Park 2019 Weekend Wardrobe @ D2 Place Weekend market
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LiveStage @ L12 Langham Place
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