eli (everlasting illusion)
Alternative rock, Post rock / 2011
Member list:
Vocal/ Guitar - sun yu
Guitar/ Keyboard - miu tham
Bass Guitar - benson koo
Drums - anthony ng
eli – everlasting illusion
以幻象之名探索音樂,游走在夢境和現實之間。 歌曲有時低沉吟語,時而絕望放聲吶喊。
曾擔任香港傳奇樂隊LMF的開場樂隊及大懶堂二十祭的聯乘樂隊之一,作品 《Something happens》 有幸由Radiohead《2+2=5》的動畫師 Gastón Viñas 操刀。過去參與多個音樂節和Live House演出,包括:香港Wow and Flutter及台灣春天吶喊等。曾入選搶耳音樂廠牌計劃,獲得更多曝光機會。everlasting illusion - debut album
首張同名專輯由著名音樂人C.Y Kong擔任監製及由Davy Chan混音,於a.room Studio錄製,並在英國Abby Road Studio Mastering。
eli – everlasting illusion
Exploring music in the name of illusion, wandering between dream and reality. Songs are sometimes murmured, sometimes desperately shouted.
- Featured as the opening act for legendary Hong Kong band ‘LMF’, in addition to taking part in the ‘LMF 20 Years Fest’.
- ‘Something happens’ music video created by world-class animator, Gastón Viñas, who also created animations for Radiohead, including their song ‘2+2=5’.
- Participated in numerous large and small music festivals as well as Live House performances; including Hong Kong ‘Wow and flutter’ and ‘Taiwan Spring Scream’.
- Selected for participation in ‘Ear Up Music Global Project’ and gained great recognition for our work in public.
- Co-llusion Project -–Regular collaborations with other leading artists in the Hong Kong music scene
Debut Album – ‘everlasting illusion’
The first album, produced by famous musician C.Y Kong and mixed by Davy Chan. Recorded in a.room Studio and mastered at Abby Road Studio in the UK.
300 limited edition hand-painted CDs released and named one of the best independent music albums in 2017 by South China Morning Post
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Heal the human mind
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