Franklin Telescope
Acid-jazz, soul / 2016
Member list:
Vocal - Kenneth
Guitar - Wes
Bass Guitar - Kuro
Keyboard - Kingston
Drums - Wilson
於2016年成立,彌敦左岸形容樂隊:「清脆利落的旋律,滑翔於旋律之間的粵語歌詞,每個字清晰地律動着,堅實而跳躍。他們的歌曲猶如快車飛馳於空氣,彰顯一種城市生存的必需狀態。」曾參與This Town Needs、彌敦左岸及台中 2019無限自由音樂節等演出。《3310》一曲獲White Noise Records推薦,於東京著名電台J-WAVE播出;亦登上Spotify「香港流行樂」及「新歌熱播」歌單。
Franklin Telescope depicts a dancey tempo of the city and gives us a feeling of a night drive, showing us a fascinating nightlife of the neon cityscape of Hong Kong. They were invited to play at This Town Needs Noize III, featured in Nathan Left and also in Unlimited Freedom FESTIVAL 2019 (the largest music festival of Taichung). White Noise Records recommended their song ‘3310’, and it was featured in the most popular Tokyo Radio channel ‘J-Wave’. Moreover, it was featured in Spotify official playlist ‘香港流行樂’ and ‘新歌熱播’. At the end of 2019, they collaborated with Taiwan animater Mekamee and released the MV of ‘Run’.
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成立於2016年的獨立樂團Franklin Telescope,他們的歌曲每每帶來一股跳脫俐落、清爽暢快而又賦予大城市動感之氣息,好比夜間驅車在城內霓紅燈下馳騁的景象。樂隊說soul-funk、acid jazz是他們骨子裏的音樂影響,然而歌手兼結他手Kenneth唱出的廣東歌演繹,彼此加起來卻又產生出宛如日系city-pop的美好感覺。聽聽Franklin Telescope的兩首2020年近作:〈Run〉以流麗俐落的groovy曲風來唱出跑者鍛練的苦與樂,〈雲絲頓 - Wan Si Deon〉則在夢幻art rock曲風下嚐到他們思潮起伏的沉鬱神傷一面。
Franklin Telescope @Ear Up Showcase 2020
Franklin Telescope @Ear Up School Tour 2020
單曲 3310 於日本東京著名廣播電台 J-WAVE 播放 及 單曲 Run 獲台灣音樂媒體 Blow 吹音樂 報導,樂隊曾於第三代Hidden Agenda、This Town Needs、彌敦左岸演出,亦曾於台中的 2019無限自由音樂節表演。3310 一曲更曾登上Spotify的「香港流行樂」及「新歌熱播」歌單。於2020年成為 搶耳音樂廠牌計劃2020 學員之一。
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