Invisible Architecture
Jazz / 2021
由爵士吉他演奏家關家傑 Alan Kwan 與美國音樂家朋友Matt Young、Jordan Gheen 於2021年組成樂團「無形建築」發行《逗號與句號之間》贏得第33屆金曲獎「演奏類最佳專輯製作人獎」 ,同時入圍三項獎項:「最佳演奏錄音專輯獎」「演奏類最佳作曲人獎」「 演奏類最佳專輯獎」。
樂隊名稱致敬意大利小說家伊塔羅.卡爾維諾,那描繪55個虛幻之城的小說《Invisible Cities》(看不見的城市),望透過其音樂刻劃出不存在於實體世界的「建築」,作為存放各種城市精神的載體。
Formed by Alan Kwan (guitar), Matt Young (drums) and Jordan Gheen (keyboard), Invisible Architecture is a contemporary jazz group that explores the boundaries of jazz with musical elements like ambient and electronic. Their debut album Between Now and Never has won Best Instrumental Album Producer for the 33rd Golden Melody Awards, and three other nominations for Best Instrumental Recording Album (Technical Category), Best Composer (Instrumental Category), and Best Instrumental Album.
The band name, a tribute to Italian novelist Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities depicting 55 imaginary cities, expresses the desire to use their music to create ‘architecture’ that does not exist in the palpable world and serves as a vessel for the spirits of all urban realms.
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