Kendy Suen
Kendy 在2020年8月以獨立音樂人身份推出個人作品《如斯》展開了新的音樂章節。2021年在香港及日本推出首張個人EP《無名序》黑膠唱片及卡式帶,包括作品《白眉》及 《無名故事》。專輯更獲得《2021 KKBOX 編輯年度嚴選本地十大專輯》之一,及香港樂評選2021十碟推薦第4名。Kendy 更獲得香港樂評選2021年度躍進單位。2022年獲得 tone music awards 年度專輯與單曲提名。Kendy也有參與各大小型的表演音樂節,並於2023年3月發佈個人第二張EP《無常論》。
Since taking a rest from her successful duo at Universal Music in 2020, Kendy Suen has been exploring her own musical journey and self produced and performed new music in Japanese, English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Some of her singles from her two solo EPs, "The Prologue" and "The Book of Pi", reached the top of the music charts and received critical acclaim. She currently enjoys experimenting with different genres of musical arrangements for her own songs when performing live and producing for young singersongwriters on new musical projects.
Kendy is a keen calligrapher and has been exhibiting her works. She has incorporated her calligraphy into her music projects such as "The Prologue". Recently, she has curated musically with members of Code, an experimental-fusion band based in Hong Kong this autumn. And she had just had her first live showcase in Tokyo, gradually stretching her musical boundaries.
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還記得《回魂夜》星爺呢句對白「唔該跟住個Beat」?如是者,假若換轉由6人Neo-Soul樂團Clave叫你跟住佢哋個Beat,同樣令你喜出Beat外,取名自非洲裔古巴人爵士樂器與節奏,Clave玩樂情傾Groovy系,揉合Funk、City Pop及Fusion多元動感,無論《Dahlia》迎冬送暖交叉感染Neo-Soul,或《Orange》全日文重拾八十年代日本City Pop復古風,總能誘導大家伴隨節奏擺動身軀,人聽人愛。
Clave @Ear Up Tour 2019 Finale
港澳青年樂隊大賽 2016 – 季軍 ( 作品:Soulful Dream)
香港青年樂隊節音樂會 2017
香港青年樂隊節音樂會 2018
Hub on the Stage #1: FIRST NIGHT PARTY
HITA acoustic stage on JCCAC
S.P.O.T Sound歌曲創作比賽 - 冠軍( 作品:Dahlia)
Vans Musician Wanted
PHOON CD Release Party – Opening Guest
Hahha Live On facebook
Wow and Flutter Live on Youtube
City Echo
The Aftermath Bar Music Night
OUHK Annual Dinner 2018 Performing Guest
大家樂壇 2018 Champion
細場 #5 show
大家樂 Annual Dinner Performance
The Aftermath Bar Jazz Night
搶耳巡演內地計劃 2019 -中山/廣州/彿山/深圳/香港
通利琴行facebook live
Earhub Music Festival 2019 7/6-8/6
Motorama Live in Hong Kong 2019 – Opening Guest
Shake Shack performance
Sappho jazz live bar
河岸留言 2019
Stanley Plaza x JOOX Fiesta
MenItrust TTN Show Opening Guest
搶耳final performance- TTN
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