Progressive Fusion, Instrumental / 2020
Member list:
Guitar/ Composer - Dimitri Ng
Bass Guitar - Lister Wu
Keyboard/ Synth - Ceci Tang
Drums/ Composer - Baobaotommy
宇宙幽靈成團於2020年,以Progressive風格衝擊聽眾,希望確立Instrumental Music在香港的地位。
樂團深受原聲音樂(Soundtrack)及遊戲音樂(Game Music)影響,因而具有濃厚日式味道。成員尤其鍾愛日本的作曲家:田中公平、澤野宏之、林ゆうき、菅野祐悟。這些大師擔當過無數經典電視、電影、動畫和遊戲的配樂,宇宙幽靈從中得到無數啟發。另外成員亦受各國樂團薰陶,包括Dream Theater、Snarky Puppy、Covet、東京事変、Fox Capture Plan、Soil N Pimp sessions、Jizue、萬能青年旅店、法蘭黛、大象體操等⋯⋯
最初結他手Dimitri和鼓手BaobaoTommy在美國Musicians Institute認識,兩人開始編寫音樂。畢業後回港開 始找尋不同的樂手,最終找到琴手Cecilia,貝斯手Lister和小號手Salome。各人來自不同的音樂背景,Progressive Rock 、Classical、Metal、Jazz、Fusion,在這個樂團當中不斷擦出火花,鍛造一個獨一無二的 風格。
Formed in 2020, UCHU YUREI strives for recognition of Instrumental Music in HK music scene.
“UCHU YUREI” is a name using Japanese, meaning Spirits in the Cosmos. It embodies fluidity and freedom in their creative process.
UCHU YUREI does not cease to create surprises. In contrast to structure in pop music, the band adopts a linear approach in their composition. In its own progressive way, UCHU YUREI depicts a beautiful and colorful story in each song featuring rich orchestral lines.
UCHU YUREI is heavily influenced by Soundtrack Music and Game Music, giving their songs a very distinctive Japanese flavor. The band looks up to Japanese master composers including Kohei Tanaka, Hiroyuki Sawano, Yuki Hayashi、etc. They have produced nu- merous classic pieces for TVs, films, animations and games. Besides, members listen to worldwide famous bands, including Dream Theater, Snarky Puppy, Covet, Tokyo Incident, Fox Capture Plan, and Soil N Pimp Sessions, Jizue, Frandé, Elephant Gym, etc...
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拿捏progressive rock、jazz fusion、metal、日系電影電視動畫遊戲原聲配樂以至古典音樂之薰陶而來的instrumental樂隊,融合成宇宙幽靈極具起承轉合、奇幻絢麗、波瀾壯闊的故事性器樂曲目。
‘Phantom V.Z.’ in “EUM001 - ups and downs”
「.../../… /../…/../…/…」
妖邪當道,人鬼逆轉。陽光普照,卻有暗夜橫流。或者世人都需要一個英雄,但英雄可能只是一個幻影。宇宙幽靈的〈Phantom V.Z.〉帶大家走一趟陷落之城的街角死巷,在煙霧與霓虹之間尋找屬於英雄的殘影。
UCHU YUREI @Ear Up Showcase 2021
UCHU YUREI @Ear Up School Showcase 2021 / CUHK
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