The Ear Up Music Global program continues onward to Guangzhou and San Francisco
Six Hong Kong bands will perform at leading music festivals
20/12/2017 – The Renaissance Foundation (RF) launched the Ear Up Music Global program, a music scheme sponsored by Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in 2017 to provide young music talent in Hong Kong with the opportunity to perform on the global music stage, and increase their international exposure to more established music acts.
The “Ear Up Music Global” supports 4 mentors who are music veterans and 6 mentees who are up-and-coming singer-songwriters or bands to perform at music festivals outside Hong Kong.
From September to November 2017, the “Ear Up Music Global” selected Wong Jing, the mentor who is paired up with Linda Chow, the mentee, and tfvsjs, the mentor who is paired up with Adrian Lo, the mentee to perform at the music festivals of Zandari Festa in Seoul and Sound of Munich Now in Munich respectively. To enrich the trip, RF further organized networking opportunities and visits for the two pairs while they were in Seoul and Munich.
In Seoul, the pair visited a government funded independent music hub called Platform 61 Chang Dong (, which incubates new independent youth talent. In Munich, the pair visited the headquarter of legendary German jazz label ACT Music ( and German performing rights organization GEMA (, among others.
Continued in 2018, the “Ear Up Music Global” arranged the third and fourth mentorship groups to visit Guangzhou and San Francisco for performances and exploration of the latter’s local music industry.
The last two groups selected under the program are the mentor Supper Moment and their mentees, namely Empty, Siu Yuen and The Sulis Club, and the mentor GDJYB and their mentee SoundTube. Supper Moment, Empty, Siu Yuen and The Sulis Club will be heading to Guangzhou of the Mainland to perform at the Live Wild Non Stop Gigs on 27 – 28/1/2018 while GDJYB and SoundTube will play at The Noise Pop Festival in San Francisco, USA on 19 – 25/2/2018.
All the mentees in the third and fourth mentorship groups are some of the alumni of the 2016 edition of the Ear Up Record Label Creation and Incubation Program, another program organized by RF and sponsored by CreateHK that helped empower 12 young Hong Kong music talent through education and mentorship.
Press information:
For media queries, please contact:
Renaissance Foundation
Ms. Li / Ms. Huang
Tel: +852 2811 8766
文藝復興基金會發佈Ear Up Music Global計劃第二階段
2017年,文藝復興基金會啟動了「Ear Up Music Global」計劃,旨在為香港年輕音樂人才提供赴海外表演及交流之機會,亦讓多元豐富的香港原創音樂在國際視野中得到更多關注。該計劃由香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」(「創意香港」)資助。
「Ear Up Music Global」計劃安排由4組資深音樂人擔任的導師及6組新晉音樂單位組成的學員,分別參與4場香港以外的音樂節。2017年9月及11月,「Ear Up Music Global」計劃選出的導師黃靖與學員周華欣,以及導師tfvsjs與學員Adrian Lo,分別前往韓國首爾的Zandari Festa及德國慕尼黑的Sound of Munich Now演出。為使旅程更為豐富,文藝復興基金會於當地為導師及學員建構了交流與訪問的平台。
首爾之行中,我們參觀了由當地政府資助、旨在培育青年創作人才的獨立音樂中心——Platform 61 Chang Dong (。慕尼黑之行中,我們參訪了德國傳奇爵士廠牌ACT Music (以及德國表演權利組織(PRO)GEMA (等機構。
「Ear Up Music Global」計劃踏入2018年,將繼續安排第3、4組師生嚮導,分別前往三藩市及廣州演出,並探索當地音樂產業。
經遴選的2組師生嚮導包括導師Supper Moment及學員Empty、楊智遠及The Sulis Club,以及導師雞蛋蒸肉餅(GDJYB)與學員SoundTube。導師Supper Moment與學員Empty、楊智遠及The Sulis Club,將於2018年1月27至28日前往廣州參與在野音樂周演出;導師雞蛋蒸肉餅及學員SoundTube,將於2月19至25日一同前往美國三藩市參與Noise Pop音樂節 (The Noise Pop Festival)。2組師生嚮導均會在演出之餘,於當地進行音樂參訪與交流。
Empty、楊智遠、The Sulis Club及SoundTube皆為2016年「搶耳音樂廠牌計劃」選拔而出的學員。有關計劃同樣由文藝復興基金會主辦、「創意香港」資助。
李小姐 / 黃小姐
電話:+852 2811 8766
搶耳大講堂 Public Talk 2018
「搶耳大講堂」共五堂,將於2018年1至3月間進行。講堂內容涵蓋:廠牌概念、經營之道、產業現況、版權知識、表演訣竅等,並請來各路獨立音樂人、產業知識專人傳授經驗,包括:李 志、馮穎琪、黄耀明、雞蛋蒸肉餅、袁智聰、龔志成、Mike Orange、韋正禮、陳偉嘉等,更多重量級講者陸續加入!
☞☞ 報名連結:請按此免費登記入座
* 每人只限登記一張門票。
* 成功登記者將收到確認電郵,請下載電郵中的附件門票,確認二維碼及條碼清晰,並於活動入場前出示。
* 網上登記者請於十五分鐘前到場;如於19:40之後到場者,主辦方將取消該留座,並予以其他現場觀眾。
* 香港大學信興學院為是此活動之合辦機構
*「搶耳大講堂」 由文藝復興基金會與香港大學通識教育部合辦
日期:2018年1月6日 19:30-21:30
日期:18.01.2018 | Thur
地點:香港大學圖書館大樓展翼LG1層LE 5室
舒文 | Zoo Music Studio
地點:香港大學梁球琚大樓2樓201室 KK201(香港大學站A2出口)
雞蛋蒸肉餅 |獨立樂隊
主持: 龔志成 |Kung Music Workshop
搶耳大講堂第五場——「音樂如何傳承:香港樂壇再出發」,有著名音樂人黃耀明、獨立樂隊觸執毛的Mike Orange、資深樂評人袁智聰,從80年代音樂產業的發展與變遷,講到今時今日音樂產業的多元形態:音樂數碼化、藝術跨界的種種可能……帶引香港樂壇承其歷史,再度出發。
講者:黃耀明(人山人海)、Mike Orange(觸執毛)
時間:28.03.2018 19:30-21:30
地點:香港大學賽馬會第三舍堂村 信興學院R303A (堅尼地城站A出口)
音樂指導陣容:馮穎琪 / 龔志成 / 伍卓賢 / 梁基爵 / 馮翰銘 / 郭啟華 / 黃耀明 / 李志 / 周耀輝 / 黃志淙 / 蔡德才 (更多重量級講者將陸續加入)
i. 未簽約唱片公司及未建立音樂廠牌 或
ii. 已建立音樂廠牌,但註冊期在3年之內 或
* 申請人及其團員必須持有香港身份証
* 2人或以上的音樂團體只須由其中1名成員作代表申請
* 獲取錄的音樂單位須繳付按金港幣$2000,符合以下資格的音樂單位可獲發還按金
✔ 出席率達標
✔ 完成所有展演及音樂節演出(如獲選)
截止日期:2017年11月30日 (已完結)
電話查詢:2811 8766
A: 可以,但你必須於申請時將他們納入你的團隊成員之一。
Ear Up Incubation 2017-18 Recruitment
Application Deadline: November 30th 2017
Application requirements:
Any singer, songwriters, bands with original music and meet the following requirements:
1) Not signed to any record label or own a record label
2) Not signed to any registered record labels (major or independent) for over three years
3) Own a registered record label but not for over three years
*Applicants must be 18 years of age or older
*Applicants and their band members must have valid HKID
*For bands with 2 or more members, only one form needs to be submitted
Please fill the online form and upload at least 1 song to cloud drives such as Google Drive, Dropbox etc.
Application Deadline: November 30th 2017
Sharing Session and Finale Concert
海外巡演經驗分享談 及 搶耳音樂會
「Ear Up Music Global」計劃獲選的6個本地原創音樂單位與4個資深音樂單位—— Jing Wong、 Linda Chow 周華欣、 tfvsjs、Adrian Lo、 Supper Moment、 Siu Yuen 楊智遠、 The Sulis Club、 EMPTY HK、 GDJYB 雞蛋蒸肉餅、 SoundTube 聲音試管 —— 將參與3月12日舉行的「海外巡演經驗分享談」,分享他們於去年9月至今年2月期間出演外地音樂節,以及與當地音樂機構、樂手、製作人、音樂投資者等進行探訪及交流的經驗及所得所學,冀望藉此為本地音樂產業帶來新啟發、新動力,創造更多跨地域的合作契機。
「Ear Up Music Global」海外巡演經驗分享談
地點:香港知專設計學院演講廳 LW001
☞ 按此網上免費登記
* 每人只限登記一個座位,登記完畢後請於電郵中下載二維碼,並於入場前向工作人員出示。
* 完成登記之觀眾請提前15分鐘到場就座,如遲於19:10到場,則主辦單位有權將其座位給予其他現場觀眾。
「Ear Up Music Global」搶耳音樂會
參與嘉賓:黃靖 & 周華欣、tfvsjs & Adrian Lo、Supper Moment & 楊智遠 / The Sulis Club / Empty、雞蛋蒸肉餅 & SoundTube
☞ 按此網上免費登記
* 每人只限登記一個座位。
* 免責聲明:香港特別行政區政府僅為本項目提供資助,除此之外並無參與項目。在本刊物/活動內(或由項目小組成員)表達的任何意見、研究成果、結論或建議,均不代表香港特別行政區政府、商務及經濟發展局通訊及創意產業科、創意香港、創意智優計劃秘書處或創意智優計劃審核委員會的觀點。
The Renaissance Foundation (RF) is pleased to announce the launch of the Ear Up Music Global program, a new music scheme sponsored by Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, to provide young music talent in Hong Kong with the opportunity to perform on the global music stage, and increase international exposure for more established music acts.
Six budding music acts will be selected and matched with four experienced music acts in a mentee/mentor relationship. Each pair will not only perform at a leading international music festival, but also engage in cultural exchanges with native music professionals and institutions in each respective city. Upon returning to Hong Kong, all pairs will participate in a sharing session and concert to share their experiences and learning with local audiences.
The first two pairs selected under the program are acclaimed “book rocker” Jing Wong and his mentee singer-songwriter Linda Chow, and instrumental rock band tfvsjs and their mentee experimental pop songwriter Adrian Lo. Wong and Chow will be heading to Seoul, South Korea to perform at Zandari Festa (29/09 – 01/10) while tfvsjs and Lo will play at Sound of Munich Now(11/11 – 12/11) in Munich, Germany. Both mentees Chow and Lo are alumni of the 2016 edition of the Ear Up Record Label Creation and Incubation Program, another program organized by the Renaissance Foundation and sponsored by CreateHK that helped empower 12 young Hong Kong music talent through education and mentorship. Also, in collaboration with Redress, the winner of the Hong Kong Best Prize of EcoChic Design Award 2017 will specially design an outfit made with waste-reducing methods for Linda Chow to wear for her performance at Zandari Festa.
Started in 2012, Zandari Festa has quickly established itself as Korea’s largest music showcase festival. The annual event takes place in Seoul’s Hongdae area, the epicenter of youth culture in Korea and ground zero for the country’s indie music scene. For three days each October, Zandari Festa brings together acts and music industry professionals from around the world for concerts and conferences at more than 10 unique venues around Hongdae.
The Sound of Munich Now, established in 2009, is an annual music festival that happens at Feierwerk, a cultural performance hub that is located in Munich, Germany. Featuring the best of Munich’s musical offerings as well as overseas music acts, the two-day event sees over 30 bands, DJ’s and music groups take to the stage each year.
Other collaborating music festivals that are part of the program include Noise Pop Music & Arts Festival in San Francisco, United States, and more. The remaining two pairs of the program will be announced at later dates.
文藝復興基金會於二零一七年九月十一日發佈「Ear Up Music Global」項目計劃。該計劃由香港特別行政區政府創意香港資助,旨在為香港年輕音樂人才提供赴海外表演及交流之機會,亦讓多元豐富的香港原創音樂在國際視野中得到更多關注。
計劃已透過評審委員會選出首兩組師友嚮導音樂單位:第一組,由被譽為「book rocker」的黃靖擔任導師,學員則是新晉唱作女歌手周華欣,前往韓國首爾在Zandari Festa(九月二十九日至十月一日)演出;第二組的導師為器樂搖滾(instrumental rock)樂隊tfvsjs,學員為experimental pop音樂創作人Adrian Lo,他們會一同前往德國慕尼黑,並參與十一月十一至十二日舉行的Sound of Munich Now音樂節。他們同時會在當地進行音樂參訪與交流。周華欣與Adrian Lo兩位皆是二零一六年搶耳音樂廠牌計劃中選拔而出的學員。
Zandari Festa於二零一二年首次舉辦,此後便迅速成為韓國最大型的音樂節。活動於首爾弘大地區進行,該地區為青年文化的中心地帶,亦為韓國獨立音樂的重鎮。每年十月開展的Zandari Festa,為期三日,聚集世界各地的音樂人及產業專家,在弘大地區超過十個不同場地舉辦音樂會及論壇等相關活動。
創始於二零零九年的音樂節The Sound of Munich Now,每年都在位於慕尼黑的文化藝術演出中心——Feierwerk舉行。為期兩天的活動將邀請慕尼黑本地及海外的頂尖音樂表演者,包括超過三十支樂隊、DJ以及音樂團體,同在此舞台上傾力演出。
此計劃將合作的音樂節還包括美國三藩市的Noise Pop Music & Arts Festival等。餘下的兩組師生嚮導音樂單位及其行程,稍後將陸續公佈詳情。 敬請期待。
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