supper pic
Supper Moment

 Supper Moment

Sunny              | Vocal、Acoustic guitar 主音、結他
Martin 阿雞     | Guitar 結他
CK                     |Bass Guitar 低音結他
Hugh 阿達       | Drum 鼓

Supper Moment is one of the most popular Cantonese pop-rock bands in Hong Kong. The four-piece male band was formed in 2006 and officially debuted in 2010 under Redline Music. Live performance of Supper Moment is acclaimed as energetic and powerful. Having launched a number of well-known popular in Hong Kong and videos on Youtube have accumulated over million views. The band have topped major charts in Hong Kong for 3 times and received many awards and recognitions. The band has spread their music power to Taiwan, Japan, Australia, Singapore and over 10+ cities in China.

香港流行樂隊Supper Moment成立於2006年,成員為主音及結他手陳仕燊(Sunny)、低音吉他手張祖光(CK)、結他手梁燿鵬(Martin)和鼓手陳鴻達(Hugh)。樂隊活力十足的現場演出一直是最具感染力的部份。出道至今推出了不少大熱歌曲,包括《最後晚餐》、《小伙子》、《無盡》及《幸福之歌》等,廣受樂迷歡迎。曾在2013及2016兩年在商業電台叱吒頒獎禮中獲得組合銀獎,並在2015年獲得叱吒十大、組合金獎,亦在2016、2017年連續兩年得到觀眾投票選出的我最喜愛的組合獎。

Artist contact:


empty pic 2018

Mandy | Vocals
Tin Hang | Guitar
Ka Ming | Guitar
Sora | Bass
Anton | Drums

Are dreams or simply following your passions really such a luxury? When we were young and have nothing to lose, things weren’t like that. You just do something because you love doing it.

Therefore we use our name “EMPTY” to reminds us what it was like being young, where none of these money, ego, responsibilities, fears of embarrassment really matter as much we think. Yes, life is sometimes difficult painful scary but with what love, and the people we love, that’s all that matters. We have brotherhood and music. When we play our music, we can express ourselves and keep ourselves motivated. And that’s who we are, “EMPTY”

Empty,正是你我最率直純真、滿腔熱血之時。於「空」的狀態, 沒有任何煩囂雜念阻礙你去追尋夢想。

中學時期的一個音樂比賽,是Empty成立的契機。成團將近十五年, 我們五人一直希望以最純粹的搖滾樂,鼓勵大家捉緊赤子之心,不 計較過失地勇往直前。

2017年樂隊首支派台歌<竊娓>好評不絕,現常於學校演出,並將 於年內發表全新專輯。

Artist contact:

if_3_939757 https://www.facebook.com/emptyhk/

The Sulis Club 蘇利斯俱樂部

The Sulis Club


A Hong Kong four piece Indie-Rock band has always been passionate about making music by using their own thoughts and musical sprits. Their music combines the elements of Brits-Rock, Japanese Rock, Instrumental rock and pop rock. And their work were influenced by Oasis, Jets, Ellegarden, Toe, Hiatus, The Killers and many more. The Sulis Club consists of Foon Yuen on Drums, Jerry Chan on Bass, Dom Leung on Guitar and Jonathan Synn on Guitar&Vocal.

香港新晉樂團 The Sulis Club 成立於 2013 年,活躍在香港和臺灣,主要演出包括: 2015 香港蘭桂坊音樂啤酒節 2015 、深圳反萬有引力 | 鹿托邦跨界展, 2015 香港 Streetvoice 大團誕生; 2016 年香港草民音樂營、臺灣春天呐喊音樂節、臺灣覺醒音樂節、香港 Wow&Flutter 音樂節及廣州天環炫音天空音樂節。在2017年,他們展開了他們首個南中國及臺灣巡演。 樂團成員包括主唱/結他手Jonathan Synn、結他手Dom Leung、低音結他手Jerry Chan 及鼓手Foon Yuen。樂團曲風揉合英倫搖滾Brit Rock、點點日系搖滾、流暢的流行旋律,甚至點點爵士樂的影響。樂團自言是一組貪心的樂團,貪心地想將所有覺得動聽的曲風用自己風格演繹出來。

Artist contact:

if_3_939757  TheSulisClub
instagram  TheSulisClub
Image result for 微博 icon @thesulisclubofficial
Image result for wechat icon  thesulisclub

Siu Yuen 楊智遠

Siu Yuen 楊智遠(1).jpg

Siu Yuen Eric is a new generation singer-songwriter. Graduated from The University of Hong Kong, he was also the leader of the university’s 100th anniversary music project “Brighten Music”. In 2016 his First solo album ‘To Myself’ was released and the original songs are now available on various music platforms. Apart from his own songs, his compositions include ‘Buskingdom’ and ‘Happiness starts from the heart’, which are the theme songs for MetroRadio and RTHK. Recently Siu Yuen has also been focusing on the interaction of music and other art forms, which include his live performances in a number of art shows.

唱作歌手。 2016年推出首張個人專輯《給自己》。多次為電台及電視節目創作主題曲,包括【Buskingdom】及【快樂從心開始】。近年開始投入音樂與藝術交流工作,曾為多個畫展及藝術場地作現場伴奏,當中包括著名畫家Keo Chow【有人喜歡藍】,並於2016年在浪人劇場一劇《心林》負責演唱及現場音樂演奏。2017演出由一鋪清唱劇團所製作的《今夜免收人頭費》。
Artist contact:

if_3_939757  SiuYuenEric
instagram  SiuYuenEric

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