Ear Up Music Global 2019 搶耳全球音樂演出及交流計劃
Munich Trip 慕尼黑之行 – Theatron Musiksommer 2019
Participating Line-up 參與音樂單位 :
the prototyke lab
Call Back ASAP 未能接通
Clover Lei
About Theatron Musiksommer 2019
The word, Theatron, came from Greek meaning: the place for viewing.
The “Theatron” music festival in Munich has been held since the early 1970s and attracts more than 100,000 visitors annually. Since 1996 the actual series of events has been renamed “Theatron MusicSommer“. The audience has long been composed of all population and age groups. It attracts established bands and newcomers of all music genre including Singer-Songwriter, Indiepop or Bluesrock to perform in the amphitheater.
In 2002, Theatron MusikSommer has an entry in the Guinness Book of Records – for the longest free open-air music festival in the world.
More information – theatron.net
自七十年代創立起,Theatron音樂節每年吸引超過十萬訪客;1996年更名為「Theatron MusicSommer」。觀眾一向來自各階層及年齡層。Theatron也吸引到知名樂團及新人來到圓形劇場表演,曲風廣泛,包括唱作歌手、獨立流行曲、藍調搖滾等。
在2002年,Theatron MusikSommer獲健力士世界紀錄大全認證為世界上最悠久的戶外音樂節。
The arrival of our Ear Up people. Kisai explains the structure of the cultural pavilion there. And RubberBand’s No.6 is very curious about Home Studio.
Ear Up 大軍到達。Kisai 講解當地文化館的層次。RubberBand的6號對 Home Studio 錄音室很感興趣。
Our first performer, Call Back ASAP, brings us the first climax of the night. Vincy @the prototyke lab amazed our German audience with their jazzy, soul style as well as their stunning voice. No.6 of RubberBand also makes a great effort on stage.
打頭陣演出的未能接通 ,已帶來當晚第一個高潮。Vincy@ the prototyke lab 騷靈爵士的曲風及美妙的歌聲帶動觀眾的情緒 ,使西方觀眾擊節讚賞。RubberBand的6號使出渾身解數,落力演出。
KaLok’s pipa solo draws a great attention, while Clover Lei’s oriental music brings the concert to another highlight.
家樂的琵琶獨奏,吸引觀眾熱烈鼓掌。Clover Lai 帶有東方色彩的音樂,是音樂會的另一高潮。
The venue is located in Olympian Park, Munich. On the performance day, there seems to be no empty seats left at Theatron. When the night comes, it becomes even a better place for great music.
演出場地坐落在慕尼黑Olympian Park。演出當日 Theatron 座無虛席。美麗的夜色,是欣賞音樂的好地方。
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