Lau Heung King
With a lush, sensual, gender-neutral voice, ‘Lau Heung King’ gives perself this identity that goes beyond the gender boundary. The literal meaning of the name refers to lingering aroma of liquor, implying the singer’s aspiration for the music to age like wine.
The young singer-songwriter and producer, Hong Kong born and bred, but deeply influenced by western pop, soul, indie rock and electronica, delivers music with a unique ingenerate fusion of both cultures. Per upcoming debut album ‘Selfish’ documents the journey and afflictions from being destructively selfless to constructively selfish. The self-emancipation becomes an ongoing process for Lau as a human being and an artist.
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縱使在舞台上看到只有一名表演者,但留香瓊並不是純粹的個人音樂單位,而一個集合唱作歌手、音樂製作人、創意總監、形象設計等成員的collective團隊合作。「瓊香」取自美酒,寓意歌如陳酒,飄瓊香散,這個踏出性別框架的優雅名字背後,留香瓊通過其art-pop/electro-pop/dream-pop/R&B 聲音,以及雌雄莫辨的主唱嗓音,創造出他們電幻幽美、撲朔迷離、空靈脫俗的別樹一幟風格,靡爛得叫人聽得有醉意。其首張專輯《Selfish》正紀錄其從「無我」走向「唯我」的苦行,以至「自我解放」。
留香瓊 @Ear Up Showcase 2020
留香瓊 @Ear Up School Tour 2020
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