Alternative??? Genre that mama doesn't really like
來自香港的xxtilldawn為獨立音樂創作人。於2019年正式發佈音樂作品,揉合多項種類,如 IDM、Lofi及電子音樂。視音樂創作為一場浩浩蕩蕩和充滿未知性的聲音冒險,她分身兼顧曲詞編唱,希望聽眾能置身其中,挑撥流行音樂框框。
Hong Kong based beat and sound experimentalist, singer-songwriter and visual artist. Influenced by Grimes, The Neighbourhood, Lana Del Rey. Her creations mostly are categorised as Alternative with a taste in IDM, Lofi or Electronic.
Raised in Hong Kong, xxtilldawn's music taste established by the 90s to 00s cantopop, local indie music and a wide variety of alternative music. Inheriting her music choices', her work is pack of flavours from multiple genre. The diverse characteristics in her voice are her tools for story-telling in her work, combining her melodies' and lyrics', giving a total experience of ''xxtilldawn''.
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DAWN @Ear Up Showcase 2021
DAWN @Ear Up School Showcase 2021 / HKUST
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