before the night ends
Dream-pop, Downtempo-pop, Chillwave / 2021
Member list:
梁子 - 主音 / 結他
Jeff - 鍵琴
Kim - 結他
Kuma - 貝斯
Kin - 鼓手
before the night ends是香港的一隊以dream-pop為主要風格的樂隊。於2021年成立,主音梁子希望透過這個音樂計劃作自我紀錄,兼討好女朋友。隨著時間推移,加上不同的演出經驗和來自觀眾的喜愛,成為這座城市的浪漫代表及創造更多讓人陶醉的音樂也變成了before the night ends的存在意義之一。目前成員為梁子(主音/結他)、Jeff(鍵琴)、Kim(結他)、Kuma(貝斯)及Kin(鼓手)。目前已推出的廣東歌單曲共六首,包括你是一片雲、short vacation、輕不著地、生命中的美好再會、疊疊及保持浪費。
before the night ends is a Hong Kong dream pop band established in 2021, aiming at representing the romance of Hong Kong.
The band was started by the vocalist Leung Chi, who is also playing a role of Radio Disc Jockey in Commercial Radio CR2, one of the most famous radio channels in Hong Kong.
In the very beginning, it's just a self-recorded and "no costs" music project for Leung Chi to learn how to make music, and make a good relationship with his girlfriend.
But after having the memorable show time and good feedback from the world, now making good relationships is still the head of the project, but making good music also becomes one of the main purposes.
The band consists of Leung Chi(vocals, guitar), Jeff(keyboard, synths), Kim(guitar), Kuma(bass), and Kin(drums). before the night ends has released 6 singles so far.
We hope to grow, and make more dreamy, spicy and chill-to-death songs. We hope, and we will!
In Love, We Trust!
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