

R&B, Pop

MAIA 慶孫從小接觸不同風格種類的音樂,在音樂薰陶下成長,現在是一位流行/RnB 歌手和詞曲創作人,立志於為她音樂旅途上的相遇者賦予能量和快樂。 在洛杉磯獲得表演藝術學位,並在當地工作豐富人生經歷後,她回到香港,透過 "面對面" 發表了《小》。她希望憑藉第一首單曲《Breakin' Chains》,通過自己的聲音和能量,表達她作為混血兒對香港這成長之地的愛,為促進本地音樂的多樣性出一分力。

Growing up with a variety of musical influences, MAIA is a Pop/RnB singer and songwriter who is determined to empower and celebrate whoever crosses paths with her music. After graduating with a performing arts degree and working in Los Angeles, she released《小》, a part of the songwriting project 'Face-to-Face' back in Hong Kong. With her first single 《Breakin' Chains》, she hopes her sound and energy can promote diversity in local music, as well as shine love to her biracial roots.

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