Project ”Narratist“
Fusion Instrumental
Member list:
Guitar - Jason Szeto
Bass Guitar - Paksze Kam
Keyboard - Falcon Zit
Drums - Sum J. Chan
Project “Narratist”是一隊成立於2021年的Fusion樂隊,成員包括鍵琴手Falcon Zit、結他手Jason Szeto、低音結他手Paksze Kam與鼓手Sum J. Chan。他們深信着音樂的無限表現力,希望以音符和節奏代替言語,糅合爵士樂、流行搖滾樂與古典音樂,為觀眾打造出一個個悅耳且深刻的聲響旅程。
Project “Narratist”於2021年在香港演藝學院舉辦了他們的首個音樂會「Projec Narratist : The First Edition」,並於同年推出了他們的首張同名專輯,主題圍繞經典英雄敍事手法,廣受聽眾與音樂愛好者的好評。
Formed in 2021 spring, Project “Narratist” is an instrumental ensemble that merge jazz, rock and classical into their music.
The band consist of guitarist Jason Szeto, pianist Falcon Zit, bassist Paksze Kam and drummer Xavier Kan (Now Sumj Chan). Treating themselves as a group of writers, the aim of the band is to tell stories with notes and rhythm and deliver a wholesome experience for their audience.
In May 2021, they have held their debut concert “Project Narratist : The First Edition” in Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. The band has also launched their first album “The First Edition” soon after the show and received positive comments and feedback.
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已出版過首張專輯《The First Edition》的四人器樂樂隊Project “Narratist”,他們融合jazz、rock、classical的fusion音樂,來得情感豐富、樂味馥郁,川流於幽美詩意與躍動緊湊之間。
Project “Narratist” @Ear Up Showcase 2021
Project “Narratist” @Ear Up School Showcase 2021 / HKSYU
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