李拾壹 Subyub Lee
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配樂方面,拾壹的作品出現於各大小電視和網上廣告,以及香港和內地的影視作品,如《Baby復仇記》、《春嬌與志明/春嬌救志明》、《小時代3:刺金時代》、《衝上雲霄電影版》等。拾壹分別於2014及2015年推出兩張專輯《大膽小鬼》和《小人物語》;2019年推出單曲《Save The World》及《Losers Dance》。
Hong Kong singer-songwriter/multi-instrumentalist, a graduate of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts School of Drama, majoring in Acting.
While still in secondary school, he fell in love with British rock bands Muse, Radiohead, Oasis and Arctic Monkeys, which greatly influenced his musical style. Since then, Subyub started learning to play guitar, piano, bass guitar and drums and making music on his own.
His first song ‘Wake Up Naturally’ written for Taiwanese singer Yoga Lin was released in 2011 to huge acclaim, followed by several songs for various artists, including Taiwanese and Hong Kong singers Hocc, Elva Hsiao, Siufey and Tang Siu Hau. Besides having three solo album releases, Subyub has also written film scores for popular productions ‘Love in the Buff’, ‘Love off the cuff’ and ‘Vulgaria’.
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