The Majestic G 麟角樂團
Member list
Vocal - Sonia
Drums - Vic
Trombone - Tony
Suona/ Guanzi - Him
Bass Guitar - CM
Guest Guitar - Tjoe & Mike Yip
Guest Keyboard - Ricky & Him
The Majestic G 麟角樂團(TMG)是一隊香港原創樂隊,由音樂人CMgroovy於2013年夏天組成。樂團成員均為經驗豐富的音樂人。
樂隊風格以放克和騷靈為主軸,再以天馬行空的想像力將不同音樂元素有機融合,創作出自己獨特和充滿大都會節奏的聲音。 2017年6月麟角樂團推出原創單曲《Sunrise》,成功打入叱咤903「豁達推介」流行榜,上榜六星期,最高位置第二位。《Sunrise》在台灣音樂平台StreetVoice不單佔據「R&B/靈魂/藍調/爵士/拉丁榜」三個星期榜首位置,更獲「達人推介」。麟角樂團亦於StreetVoice HK 2017「大團誕生」徵選勝出,代表香港到台北參與年度十大新星演出。
2018年1月樂隊推出USB電子唱片《Wildrunner》,並於全球各大電子平台上架。 我們都是藉由宇宙中生命的律動連結起來,而這生命的旋律就是我們創意的泉源。在消音的時代,我們眾聲喧嘩,麟角樂團在東西方之間,在理想和現實的衝突下,在傳統與現代的曖昧處,栽出一片任創意起舞的新土壤。
The Majestic G is an original funk/soul/experimental music group, their members are all active music veterans in Hong Kong, spanning across a wide music spectrum including pop, jazz, soul, funk, rock, classical music and traditional Chinese music.
In 2017, TMG created a performance along with singer-songwriter Adrian Fu and writer Kit-wai Lau for Freespace Happening. Six brand new songs and a mesmerising story ‘Enchanted Rouge’ were created specifically for the performance. Since then, Kit has joined TMG and became their writer member. TMG released their first single ‘Sunrise’ in June 2017, and has received rave reviews in Hong Kong and Taiwan! ‘Sunrise’ reached No. 2 on Commercial Radio FM903 ‘Quotable Chart’ (HK), and stayed on for 6 weeks! In Taiwan streetvoice.com, the most significant and influential online platform for independent music, ‘Sunrise’ was No. 1 for three weeks on their ‘R&B/Soul/Blues/Jazz/Latin’ chart, got their ‘Expert Recommendation’, and it was the most voted song on their ‘The Next Big Thing (HK)’ campaign.
TMG was honoured to be the opening act for legendary Taiwan funk band ‘Sticky Rice’ at their Sticky Rice Live in HK 2017. TMG’s performance was greatly received by the audience, and was hugely praised by Ma Nienhsien, lead vocal of Sticky Rice! We are all connected by a universal vibration of life, and that vibe, is the source of our creativity. We strive to make music that pushes the boundaries, connects the dots and reflects our changing times.
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The Majestic G @Ear Up Music Festival 2019
The Majestic G Introduction (2018)
The Majestic G @Ear Up Music Festival 2018
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