Ear Up Music Global 2019
RubberBand 於 2004 年成立,樂隊現任成員包括主音6號、結他手阿正、低音結他手阿偉及鼓手泥鯭。 樂隊於2008年推出首張專輯 Apollo 18,並曾簽約於金牌大風及寰亞唱片旗下。RubberBand 於2016年正式成為獨立樂隊並自組音樂廠牌 R Flat。 4人歷年來曾參與多項大型演出,曾舉行的大型售票音樂會均叫好叫座。RubberBand 剛於 2018 年 9 月 26-27 號於 Star Hal l舉行Hours音樂會,廣邀樂迷一同為發碟 10 週年作一個回顧及見證。是次音樂會亦推出同名專輯 “Hours“,多首主打歌曲「脫軌時刻」、「城市當代配樂團」、「逆流大叔」及「未來見」均深受樂迷及媒體支持。 RubberBand is a Cantopop band formed in Hong Kong in 2004. The line-up consisted of lead vocalist No.6, guitarist Clem, bassist Lee Wai, and drummer Lai Maan. Since the release of their first album Apollo 18 in 2008, RubberBand has written a number of hit songs including Lose Track, City Band, Men on the Dragon and 2018 award-winning song See You Soon. Supported by the fans and media, the band soon became one of Hong Kong’s most renowned bands, with numerous awards and 8 studio albums under its belt. In 2018, the band’s concert tour Hours received popular acclaim and was sold out minutes after going on sales. RubberBand is currently preparing for the 9th album.FB – @RubberBandHK
YouTube – RubberBandHK
IG – @rubberbandhk
Global 2019 計劃宣傳單張即將推出。 Global 2019 Project pamphlet will be released soon.
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