我們邀請到17位業界知名樂手,來到Ear Up Masterclass分享他們在各自領域的獨門秘技,以及自己一路成長而來的經驗和心得。Ear Up Masterclass系列影片共有75條精華影片,分為5種表演類型(結他、低音結他、鍵盤、鼓、演唱)。
Ear Up Gig Online邀請Angelita帶來Vocal Masterclass!!
Angelita Li(李安琪)是本地爵士樂女歌手。九歲起開始參與電視廣告歌演唱。1991年BEYOND樂隊在香港紅磡體育館舉行的「BEYOND生命接觸演唱會」負責和聲。其後旅居曼谷,發展音樂事業與不同爵士樂隊合作,獲泰國唱片公司Grammy Entertainment簽為旗下歌手,出版了首張英語大碟《The Eyes of Love》。
於2000年回港定居,活躍於爵士音樂圈。2001年與包以正前往丹麥替歐洲爵士品牌Stunt和格林美獲獎的色士風手Hans Ulrich灌錄首張國際個人大碟。其後多年無間斷地於音樂圈忙碌,包括為無數演唱會當和聲;參與多個國際及本港爵士樂音樂節中和多位國際級爵士音樂大師合作;灌錄多張雜錦專輯;其中包括Deluxe II和Liverpool Story等;曾為香港電台4台爵士節目及工作坊 作客主持,更參與舞台劇和替電影配樂主唱等工作。近年鍾情與本港新晉爵士音樂人合作。
Angelita Li started her singing career when she was 9 years old, singing mainly on television commercials. After backing for Beyond 1991’s Hong Kong Coliseum Debut Concert, Li left Hong Kong and spent five years in Bangkok developing her music with various jazz groups, her talent was spotted by leading Thai recording label Grammy Entertainment which signed her up for her debut English album “The Eyes of Love”. In 1995, Li moved to Los Angeles to study Jazz Music in a local community college, joined two renowned local samba schools and performed at Brazilian Festivals in Southern California. Li briefly returned to Hong Kong in 1996 and she recorded her debut Chinese Jazz album, “Mystery”, backed by the territory’s top jazz luminaries such as Eugene Pao. Upon returning to L.A., Li went on the road with some of the top bands in Los Angeles, armed with an ever-widening repertoire of genres that from Latin to Jazz, R&B to Rock, etc.
In 2000, Li relocated back to Hong Kong and soon invited by European jazz label Stunt to record her international debut solo album featuring Eugene Pao and Grammy winner Hans Ulrik. From there on she has worked with the myriad musicians on wide-ranging music projects and jazz festivals throughout Asia.
Locally Li have released several albums collaborating with various artists, including Deluxe II, The Liverpool Story, to name a few. Apart from the Jazzy side, Li also have been active with local Canto-pop scene involved with concerts and recording sessions as a backing vocalist/featuring artist. In recent years Li have also been touching on guesting for Musical Theatre Projects. Besides of singing performance, Angelita has given lectures, written articles on jazz and hosts jazz programs on RTHK. Lately Li is into collaborating with local’s up and coming Jazz musicians.
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